
Archive for November, 2010

#Exchange #Exchange 2010 new unofficial KBs

November 15, 2010 Leave a comment

Since Exchange 2010 SP1 upgrade, Mail Submission service is restarting every 24 hours in the early morning



MSExchangeMailSubmission will crash once a days




A maintenance thread kicks in every 24 hours to update watermarks of idle mailboxes (worst case scenario is one crash per day). If a server has a database with zero user mailboxes or a database where all user mailboxes are ‘inactive’ (did not process any event, e.g. none of the users sent email) then the call to SaveWatermarks() fails. As a result, it may cause msexchangemailsubmission service crashes


Bug Status


In process



Action Plan


1.    Create some mailboxes on the “blank” database

2.    If problem still persists, please activate at least one mailbox each day, such as sending a message


when you create a new user the following event is created:

Failed to generate email addresses based on template “CCMAIL: at MEXDOMAIN01”. Additional message: “Failed to find the address type object in Active Directory for address type “CCMAIL:AMD64″.”.

Failed to generate email addresses based on template “MS:PRODUCTOSF/MEXDOMAIN0”. Additional message: “Failed to find the address type object in Active Directory for address type “MS:AMD64″.”.


1. On your DC, open adsiedit.msc (Support Tools must be installed in order to be able to add ADSIEdit)

2. Connect to Configuration Naming Context

3. Browse to Services –> Microsoft Exchange –> YOURORGANIZATON –> Recipient Policies

4. On the right click Properties of Default Policy

5. Click Show only objects with entries

6. Find disabledGatewayProxy

7. Edit its content






#Lync #ocs upgrade EVAL to volume license version

November 11, 2010 3 comments

Thanks to Nathan Winters for sharing it.

to upgrade from the EVAL to the VL version from lync simply follow those steps

after they secure access to volume bits  through a legitimate channel – ie. VL site:


On every machine which has EVAL version of Server.MSI installed:

  1. run “msiexec.exe /fvomus server.msi EVALTOFULL=1 /qb (Note: the server.msi is from Volume media)
  2. run PS cmdlet “enable-cscomputer”


#Lync #ocs #ucoms #Microsoft #uc answering, why I should upgrade to Lync

November 8, 2010 Leave a comment

in case you missed my session at PDC last week, also if you are not arabic speaker, I have delivered a session on why you should consider upgrading to Lync and answering the why.

Lync has so many features by I created the most important and killer features, this is not to summarize all of the features of lync but those are the most killers I like about Lync.

the presentation attached I don’t Want to Upgrade to Lync

#Lync #OCS #ucoms Restricted OCS Deployment ports requirements and firewall rules details

November 1, 2010 Leave a comment

we have been working with the OCS PG last week in preparing a detailed table for ports requirements and firewall configuration for restricted OCS deployments.

the difference in this table that we have detailed as much as we can the different communication ports and firewall requirements for all of the segmented including internet, internal and enterprise voice communications.

we also detailed the ports and communication paths so it can be reader-friendly for the Security/Firewall engineers.

the wiki assumes that servers are deployed in the same VLAN and separated by a very restricted firewall configuration, Edge is deployed in the DMZ and again restricted firewall configuration is required.

currently the document still being reviewed, but if you are interested in following it you will find it on the wiki, here, we will be publishing another one for Lync as well linked to the wiki.

we will validate the wiki this week at a customer location and we will publish the updates later.


Thanks to Tom, Rick and Rui for their support during creating this wiki.

well done ya kimooooooooooo

#Exchange #Exchange2010 Activesync not working “unable to find server” and then this shows up in the http logs “LdapC1_LdapL16_Error:TiSyncStateLocked_Mbx:2003server”.

November 1, 2010 Leave a comment

well, this looks like something is not correct either with auth. config on the vdir or the mailbox home attribute, James lou posted a nice troubleshooting guide, I am posting it here for reference (those steps can be used with general activesync troubleshooting:

  • confirm that the ActiveSync works when you use the exchange 2003 URL directly
  • check if there’s any related event error in the application log on the CAS server after reproduced the issue
  • verify if the issue only happens to IPhone. You can use the windows mobile emulator for testing

Windows Mobile 6.1.4 Emulator Images

Users with mailboxes on an Exchange 2003 server who try to use Exchange ActiveSync through an Exchange 2010 Client Access server will receive an error and be unable to synchronize unless Integrated Windows authentication is enabled on the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory on the Exchange 2003 server

———-Refer to <Transitioning Client Access to Exchange Server 2010>

install the required hotfix and change the related attribute

reproduce the issue on the Remote Connectivity Analyzer for further troubleshooting information

Possible cause: ExchangeVDir settings exist on exchange 2003 BE server as KB 817379 has been applied before


1.      Please refer to method 2 to revert the setting in the KB 817379 to remove the registry setting about ExchangeVDir

2.      Disable Forms-based authentication on the BE server

3.      Remove “Require SSL” from /exchange virtual directory

4.      Remove the exchange-oma virtual directory

Possible cause: The server name in the “msexchhomeservername” attribute doesn’t match with the server name in the “Homemdb” attribute of the problematic user


1.      Launch ADSI Editor, and then find the problematic user in domain partition

2.      Right-click user object, and then click on properties

3.      Check the attribute “msexchhomeservername” and “homemdb” and verify that the server name match

E.g. the server name is CLT-E2k7 in the example mentioned below:

Msexchhomeservername: /o=Fourthcoffee/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=CLT-E2K7

Homembd: CN=Mailbox Database,CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=CLT-E2K7,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Fourthcoffee,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=fourthcoffee,DC=com

4.      If the server name in “msexchhomeservername” attribute is different than the server name in the “Homemdb” attribute, change the server name of the msexchhomeservername attribute to match the server name in the “Homemdb” attribute