
Archive for the ‘fitness’ Category

My Freeletics (Cardio and Strength) review

September 7, 2013 18 comments

Disclaimer: this is a personal review, it is not paid , requested , enforced or endorsed by Freeletics or any 3rd party. the results are based on personal measures I used

12 weeks ago I came across HIIT training, I was looking to reduce my weight and body fats, I didn’t know how to start or where, i am busy and with my job and the kids I can’t afford doing 1 hour or 90 minutes of training or going to the gym, so I was looking for something that is fast, effective and will deliver results.

I came across Insanity and PX90 however they required either high fitness profiles or 90 minutes which I couldn’t afford, so I came across Freeletics, which I believe the best thing happened to my life.

First, Freeletics uses your body weight, no equipments needed, it uses HIIT training which consumes around 25 to 45 minutes max per day. the results were amazing.

I purchased the Cardio and strength guide, my first impression was (is it gonna work) but I said let me try it.

after 12 weeks, I lost 13 Kgs (from 105.5 to 92.5), I dropped my size from 42/48 to 36 now, lost around 14 cms from my waist and I shifted my BMI from obese to overweight.

Keep in mind that these results were achieved using the cardio and strength program, so I gained some muscle also, I believe that if I purchased the strength only program I would have lost more weight, but I don’t care, the program helped me in getting great shape now.

I know that I have to lose around more 12 Kgs, but I will make it and I am so happy that I found the program.

the program is amazing, no equipments,no gym, fast and effective, the only caveat that it doesn’t contain a nutrition guide, but you can use which worked great with me

Finally, I would like to thank the creators of the program, the past 12 weeks were amazing, you helped me change and do what I wanted to do for a long time.

Thanks Freeletics

Categories: fitness, nutrition Tags: ,