
Archive for July, 2010

#Exchange [] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot process the request. The authentication mechanism requested by the client is not supported by the server or unencrypted traffic is disabled in the service configuration. Verify the unencrypted traffic setting in the service configuration or specify one of the authentication mechanisms supported by the server. To use Kerberos, specify the computer name as the remote destination. Also verify that the client computer and the destination computer are joined to a domain. To use Basic, specify the computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password. Possible authentication mechanisms reported by server: For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshoot

July 31, 2010 1 comment

when you open the EMC you might get the following error:

[] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WinRM client cannot process the request. The authentication mechanism requested by the client is not supported by the server or unencrypted  traffic is disabled in the service configuration. Verify the unencrypted traffic setting in the service configuration or specify one of the authentication mechanisms supported by the server.  To use Kerberos, specify the computer name as the remote destination. Also verify that the client computer and the destination computer are joined to a domain. To use Basic, specify the computer name as the remote destination, specify Basic authentication and provide user name and password. Possible authentication mechanisms reported by server: For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshoot


follow the steps in this KB:

#Exchange #Outlook Create a Local Distribution List from Email using script

July 28, 2010 Leave a comment

Nice Script I found on EE thought that I would share, the script reads the recipients from an email message and then prompts you add CC guys to the DL and create the DL.

Sub MakeDistListFromMsg()
    Const MACRONAME = "Make Distribution List from Message"
    Dim olkItem As Object, _
        olkDistList As Outlook.DistListItem, _
        olkRecipient As Outlook.Recipient, _
        olkFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder, _
        bolCC As Boolean, _
        bolBCC As Boolean
    Select Case TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow)
        Case "Explorer"
            Set olkItem = Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
        Case "Inspector"
            Set olkItem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
    End Select
    Set olkDistList = Application.CreateItem(olDistributionListItem)
    If MsgBox("Do you want to include CC addressees?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, MACRONAME) = vbYes Then bolCC = True
    If MsgBox("Do you want to include BCC addressees?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, MACRONAME) = vbYes Then bolBCC = True
    For Each olkRecipient In olkItem.Recipients
        Select Case olkRecipient.Type
            Case olTo
                olkDistList.AddMember olkRecipient
            Case olCC
                If bolCC Then olkDistList.AddMember olkRecipient
            Case olBCC
                If bolBCC Then olkDistList.AddMember olkRecipient
        End Select
    Do While olkDistList.Subject = ""
        olkDistList.Subject = InputBox("You must give the distribution list a name.", "Make Distribution List from Message")
    Set olkFolder = Session.PickFolder
    If olkFolder.DefaultItemType = olContactItem Then
        olkDistList.Move olkFolder
        MsgBox "You didn't pick a Contacts folder.  The list was saved in your default Contacts folder instead.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, MACRONAME
    End If
    Set olkItem = Nothing
    Set olkDistList = Nothing
    Set olkRecipient = Nothing
    Set olkFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Categories: Uncategorized

#Exchnage 2010 Mail Tips: Invalid Recipient Address displays, but address is valid

July 28, 2010 Leave a comment

you might get this strange mailtip in OWA:

Invalid Recipient Address displays, but address is valid

The Invalid Internal Recipient MailTip is displayed if the sender adds a recipient that appears to be internal to the organization but doesn’t exist in Active Directory, also this could be caused by stale mailtip.

This could happen if the sender addresses a message to a user who is no longer with the company but whose address resolves due to name resolution cache or an entry in the sender’s Contacts folder. It can also happen if the sender types an SMTP address with a domain for which Exchange is authoritative and the address doesn’t resolve to an existing recipient.

Unable to Modify Default Global Address List

July 26, 2010 Leave a comment

The recipient filter of the default Global Address List can be modified once during conversion from Exchange 2003 but not after that.  If you want to change the default Global Address List recipient filter after that you must either:

  • Create a new Global Address List with the desired recipient filter
  • Temporarily modify the Global Address List so that it isn’t the default

For the second option you can refer back to my earlier post on fixing  the issue where there is no default Global Address List in the organization.  This is determined by the msExchRecipientFilterFlags attribute of the object.

Simply use ADSIEdit.msc to modify the attribute from 3 to 0, apply the change to the Global Address List recipient filter, then return to ADSIEdit.msc and set the flag back to 3.  For more detailed instructions check out my previous post.


Categories: Exchange 2010

محشش بيحكي لنته قصة قبل النوم

July 25, 2010 Leave a comment

مقدرتش اقاوم

هذا محشش بيقول قصه لأبنته قبل ماتنام شوفو قاللها ايه ؟؟مره تيس شاف عصفور فقال الأسد هاتوا لي لأرنب فطاحت البقرة من فوق العمارة ولاقت الأم ولدها فرجع الشرطي من القسم وطلقها حبيبها وقال أنتي طالق طالق طالق طالع وجهك أنت من حلات وجهك فسوى حادث وأصابه شلل فغرق بالبحر ونامت السمسومة بين الصخر وقال النسر لازم  نتعاون وصادوا الحوت وخلص البصل وقال لها أنا أحبك ويوم سافر للدراسة ضاع دفتر الدرجات و قالت الزوجة أنا بأروح بيت أهلي وألعب ضد الوصل ونام الفيل  وسبحنا في نهر النيل ورحنا للأدغال وقابلنا طرزان وبعدين يوم قال بسبس يومها عرفت ليش الكلب يقول ميو ميو ورحنا القمر و غطسنا في البحر وطاحت الطيارة في البيت واستوى الشاي و القهوة وجاو المعازيم وبنينا الأهرامات وغنينا واستمتعنا ومات الوالد واحترقت الأم وانفجر البيبسي في الثلاجة وضحك الولد إلى الليل واخترع سالم القطار ومات الأشرار يلا يا حبيبتي تصبحي على خير

Categories: bla bla bla

#OCS 2007 R2: Over the past 1 minutes Office Communications Server has experienced TLS outgoing connection failures 1 time(s). The error code of the last failure is 0x80090322

July 22, 2010 Leave a comment

in OCS 2007 R2 you might get the following error:

TLS outgoing connection failures.
Over the past 1 minutes Office Communications Server has experienced TLS outgoing connection failures 1 time(s). The error code of the last failure is 0x80090322 (The target principal name is incorrect.) while trying to connect to the host “serer FQDN”.
Cause: Wrong principal error could happen if the peer presents a certificate whose subject name does not match the peer name. Certificate root not trusted error could happen if the peer certificate was issued by remote CA that is not trusted by the local machine.
For untrusted root errors, ensure that the remote CA certificate chain is installed locally. If you have already installed the remote CA certificate chain, then try rebooting the computer.

TLS outgoing connection failures.
Over the past 1 minutes Office Communications Server has experienced TLS outgoing connection failures 1 time(s). The error code of the last failure is 0x80090322 (The target principal name is incorrect.) while trying to connect to the host “”.Cause: Wrong principal error could happen if the peer presents a certificate whose subject name does not match the peer name. Certificate root not trusted error could happen if the peer certificate was issued by remote CA that is not trusted by the local machine.Resolution:For untrusted root errors, ensure that the remote CA certificate chain is installed locally. If you have already installed the remote CA certificate chain, then try rebooting the computer.


This is mainly because of wrong certificate names, validate that edge and OCS front end have the correct FQDN (((Recently I found that FQDN configured in the OCS 2007 R2 Administrative console on Edge and on the front End is case sensetive and has to match the server FQDN and the Certificate FQDN letter cases so make sure that you have the FQDN has the correct letter cases so is not like

What is new in 2008 R2 Sp1, Vmware Vsphere 4.1 and VMM self service portal 2.0

July 13, 2010 6 comments

VMware vSphere 4.1 :

Some importatnt enhancements in VMware vSphere 4.1 from the release notes are :

  • VMware recommends that customers start transitioning to the ESXi architecture when deploying VMware vSphere 4.1.
  • vCenter Server 4.1 now requires a 64-bit Windows operating system, it will not installl on a 32-bit Windows OS.
  • For ESX and ESXi, the vSphere Client is available for download from the VMware Web site. It is no longer packaged with builds of ESX and ESXi.
  • vSphere 4.1 enables ESXi boot from SAN (BFN). iSCSI, FCoE, and Fibre Channel boot are supported.
  • vSphere 4.1 offers enhanced visibility into storage throughput and latency of hosts and virtual machines, and aids in troubleshooting storage performance issues.
  • Storage I/O Control – This feature provides quality-of-service capabilities for storage I/O in the form of I/O shares and limits that are enforced across all virtual machines accessing a datastore, regardless of which host they are running on.
  • Network I/O Control – Traffic-management controls allow flexible partitioning of physical NIC bandwidth between different traffic types, including virtual machine, vMotion, FT, and IP storage traffic (vNetwork Distributed Switch only).
  • Windows Failover Clustering with VMware HA. Clustered Virtual Machines that utilize Windows Failover Clustering/Microsoft Cluster Service are now fully supported in conjunction with VMware HA
  • vSphere 4.1 provides the ability to concurrently manage multiple VMware Data Recovery appliances
  • vCenter Converter allows users to point to a Hyper-V machine. Converter displays the virtual machines running on the Hyper-V system, and users can select a powered-off virtual machine to import to a VMware destination
  • vCenter Server 4.1 can support three times more virtual machines and hosts per system, as well as more concurrent instances of the vSphere Client and a larger number of virtual machines per cluster than vCenter Server 4.0
  • Memory Compression – Compressed memory is a new level of the memory hierarchy, between RAM and disk. Slower than memory, but much faster than disk, compressed memory improves the performance of virtual machines when memory is under contention, because less virtual memory is swapped to disk
  • ESX/ESXi Active Directory Integration – Integration with Microsoft Active Directory allows seamless user authentication for ESX/ESXi. You can maintain users and groups in Active Directory for centralized user management and you can assign privileges to users or groups on ESX/ESXi hosts
  • User-configurable Number of Virtual CPUs per Virtual Socket – You can configure virtual machines to have multiple virtual CPUs reside in a single virtual socket, with each virtual CPU appearing to the guest operating system as a single core. Previously, virtual machines were restricted to having only one virtual CPU per virtual socket

Download link :

Detailed What’s New in vSphere 4.1 can be found at

Windows 2008 R2 SP1 ( Beta )

Windows 2008 R2 SP1 assumes significance as it introduces two much needed features to Hyper-V – Dynamic Memory and Remote FX .

Dynamic memory :

Memory. Dynamic memory is a memory management enhancement for Hyper-V that enables to increase the efficiency of using memory and thereby enable us to obtain higher consolidation ratios per host by dynamically and securely adjusting the memory between virtual machines. Dynamic memory dynamically increases and decreases the memory allocated to VMs based on usage. Dynamic memory enables to obtain benefits on their servers with predictable performance and consistent scalability for their production deployment environments.

Dynamic memory requires that hot add memory capabilities be available in the guest operating systems. The current list of supported guest operating systems includes the following:

Client Operating Systems:

  • Windows Vista Business/Enterprise/Ultimate
  • Windows 7 Business/Enterprise/Ultimate

Server Operating Systems:

  • Windows Server 2003 SP2 Enterprise/Datacenter
  • Windows Server 2008 Enterprise/Datacenter
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise/Datacenter

RemoteFX enhances Microsoft desktop virtualization. RemoteFX lets Windows Server 2008 R2 administrators provide an even richer and user-transparent desktop virtualization experience. RemoteFX delivers rich content, independent of any graphics stack, to server-hosted virtual and session-based desktops, allowing them to support any screen content, including full-motion video, portable graphics stacks such as Silverlight, and 3D applications. Because it can use virtualized graphics on the server and advanced codecs , RemoteFX can deliver those experiences to a much wider array of target devices, including standard desktops and laptops but also an emerging slew of thin clients. You’ll also be able to forward the USB ports of the local client to the virtual machine being accessed on the device – just like you can forward the local printer over RDP today.

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Beta can be downloaded from

Self-Service Portal 2.0 for Virtual Machine Manager ( RC ) :

VMMSSP (also referred to as the self-service portal) is a fully supported, partner-extensible solution built on top of Windows Server 2008 R2, Hyper-V, and System Center VMM. You can use it to pool, allocate, and manage resources to offer infrastructure as a service and to deliver the foundation for a private cloud platform inside your datacenter. VMMSSP includes a pre-built web-based user interface that has sections for both the datacenter managers and the business unit IT consumers, with role-based access control. VMMSSP also includes a dynamic provisioning engine. VMMSSP reduces the time needed to provision infrastructures and their components by offering business unit “on-boarding,” infrastructure request and change management. The VMMSSP package also includes detailed guidance on how to implement VMMSSP inside your environment.

Important: VMMSSP is not an upgrade to the existing VMM 2008 R2 self-service portal. You can choose to deploy and use one or both self-service portals depending on your requirements.

The self-service portal provides the following features that are exposed through a web-based user interface:

  • Configuration and allocation of datacenter resources: Store management and configuration information related to compute, network and storage resources as assets in the VMMSSP database.
  • Customization of virtual machine actions: Provide a simple web-based interface to extend the default virtual machine actions; for example, you can add scripts that interact with Storage Area Networks for rapid deployment of virtual machines.
  • Business unit on-boarding: Standardized forms and a simple workflow for registering and approving or rejecting business units to enroll in the portal.
  • Infrastructure request and change management: Standardized forms and human-driven workflow that results in reducing the time needed to provision infrastructures in your environment.
  • Self-Service provisioning: Supports bulk creation of virtual machines on provisioned infrastructure through the web-based interface.Helps business units to manage their virtual machines based on delegated roles.


Categories: Hyper-v

An error occurred while trying to start the conference. More details (ID:504) , The following message was not delivered to all participants. More details (ID:504)

July 13, 2010 Leave a comment

when trying send an IM to more than one contact,display the below error:

An error occurred while trying to start the conference. More details (ID:504)
The following message was not delivered to all participants. More details (ID:504)

update package for Communicator 2007 R2?

And especially this KB.

Poor OCS voice quality with Dell 760 onboard NIC

July 13, 2010 Leave a comment

Well if you don’t know then it has been on the forums, some users complained from poor voice quality (OCS displays poor network quality), this has been reported with the onboard NIC, once changing the NIC problem solved.

this issue is with Windows XP, looks like something is wrong with the driver.

Categories: Exchange and UC

Exchange : how to get users with Activesync enabled and list of devices partnered to user

July 13, 2010 4 comments

here is a nice script that helps you to know users with activesync enabled and devices partnered with that user

Get-Mailbox | ForEach {Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -Mailbox:$_.Identity} | ft DeviceFriendlyName, Devicetype, DeviceUserAgent